Sunday, October 28, 2007

Well, there you have it.

That didn't turn out to be very exciting, did it?

Well, fuck off, that wasn't the point. :D

Life hasn't gotten any simpler, but I do have less pointless crap around now. And guess what? (*sigh* "What?") It really wasn't hard. I could probably lose another 50 things pretty easily. Give it a try, fellow packrats.

"Give it away, give it away, give it away, if it's something that you got laying 'round your house. Man, let me tell you, if it ain't a kiss, it's something that you'll never miss."

Object #365: Phone

Naturally, my camera decided to fritz out on the last photo. :) My house is so damned cold that the thing is forming condensation as it warms up in my hand.

That's ok. It gives it that blurry back-in-time lens effect. This was how I communicated with my long-distance sweetie, because the battery would run out on my cordless. He's no longer my sweetie, and I think the emotional baggage that I'm carrying is adequate. I'll let go of the physical crap.

Object #364: Beaded Necklace

Fake pearls aren't my thing, I guess.

Object #363: Elephant Necklace

Overwhelming, but cool as hell.

Object #362: Cards

I keep a big box of cards for various occasions. I went through and cleaned out the dumb ones, including all of the Christmas ones. I'm an atheist, dammit.

Object #361: Razor Handle

Don't like the blades that fit on it, but I do like good design, which this is.

Object #360: Carebear Keychain

This is related to something that I photographed, but decided to keep for now: an original turquoise, purple, and pink Caboodles makeup case.

I heart the 80s.

Object #359: Frames

Neat, eh? Look dumb on me, but neat.

Object #358: Clamps

Fun. Over it. :D

Object #357: Glasses Case

Fun. Over it.

Object #356: Key Fob

Object #355: Wallet

Object #354: Fabric

Love this, but I don't sew.

Object #353: Fun Tacky Bracelet

Object #352: Clip Earrings

Object #351: Red Bracelet

Object #350: Green Bracelet

Object #349: Hanger

Object #348: Sharp Medical Implements

I don't know.

Object #347: Peacock

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Object #346: Silver Heels

I like these enough that I thought they might survive the purge, but. . .they are high heels, hence, I do not wear them.

Bye beautiful shoes!

Object #345: Chucks

These are so cool. I wish they were more comfortable.

Object #344: Blue Glass Bowl

Object #343: Stainless Bowls

Object #342: Pillow

Object #341: Birkenstocks

Object #340: Sandals

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Object #339: Roll of Film

I don't actually own a (whaddaya call them. . .film? conventional? non-digital?) camera anymore.

Object #338: Music Stand

I just use the built-in one on my piano.

Object #337: Pink Towel

Object #336: Orange Scarf

I don't like orange.

Object #335: White Dress

Ahh, I like this thing. But it doesn't actually look that great on me, and dammit, I don't wear dresses. Some of these things are very pretty, though, so it's a bit painful.

Object #334: Gray Skirt

Object #333: Black Skirt

Object #332: Red Bra

Object #331: White Skirt

Object #330: Photo Album

Object #329: Vacuum Cleaner

Object #328: Vinegar Bottle


Getting rid of stuff in an organized way post-move has proven to be a challenge. I'm behind again. I've certainly gotten rid of well over 365 items, but I still want to document 365. So! Here are some, and the last batch will be up soon.