Friday, December 15, 2006

Object #68: Save The Earth!

365 Simple Things *I* Can Do To Save Myself From Drowning In Clutter. . .

Object #67: Alarm Clock

I guess if I needed another alarm clock I might be able to motivate myself to get batteries for this.

Object #66: Runes Book

I decided that I like fortune cookies better than runes. Because there's a cookie involved. Instead of just, like, a rock.

Object #65: House Plants Book

I used to actually have house plants, you see. But then I realized that they involved dirt and attention and stuff.

Object #64: Lacy-poo Shirt

Why did I ever think I'd want to dress up as a wedding cake? I confuse me.

Object #63: Silk Shirt

This one is a bummer for me. I've almost given it away a bunch of times. The fabric is gorgeous, the buttons are gorgeous, the fit is gorgeous. . . it's just SO NOT ME that I don't think I've ever worn it out of the house.

But I still almost cancelled this post like 3 times. "No, I'll make a pillow out of it! No, I'll re-construct it!"

No, I won't. Pfft.

Object #62: Furry Bag

A friend made this. It's super neat. And every time I go to use it, I find out it's not quite the right size for anything that I want to carry. And I have too many bags. But, dammit!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Object #61: Pinata

I'm sure there's a way to make special characters appear in the title, but really, who speaks Spanish anymore?

Object #60: Garden Encyclopedia Book

Yeah, I live in an apartment. On the top floor.

Plus, how can a book this small call itself an "encyclopedia" and sleep at night? Isn't there somebody who monitors these sorts of claims? There should be a law.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Object #59: Tiara

I'm getting rid of this not because I'm not a princess, but because I don't need a tiara to prove it.

Object #58: Green Monster Shoes

These ARE funky and cool. I got them not that long ago, and they don't fit. Bummer.

But I think my girlfriend wants them, so that makes it better.

Object #57: Black Loafers

Somehow these seemed sorta funky and cool to me when I was working, but out of that context, they're just fucking boring shoes.

Back to the thrift store.

Object #56: Crochet-ed-y Bag

I have no idea how to use that word as an adjective.

Here we introduce an incredibly problematic category for me: Grandma Stuff. Stuff that she gave me, and worse, stuff that she MADE. My grandma is still alive. It's not that. It's that I love her and I know she won't live forever, and I'm afraid that I'll really want this stuff when she's gone. Which is probably an even better reason to get rid of it now. But it's so hard for me.

I can only let go of this because I'm going to take it to my family gift exchange. Isn't it cute? I don't really use/wear/carry "cute" things so much, but I wish I did, because I like this.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Object #55: Badge

Why, hello officer. Is there a problem here?

Object #54: Orca Wind-Up

Was I into wind-up toys at some point? I don't recall that phase, but there seems to be evidence of it.

Object #53: Finger Trap

I'm ONLY letting go of this because I have two! Just so you don't think I'm crazy or something.

Object #52: Top

You spin me right round baby. . .

Object #51: Rocket Wind-Up

I think that's Curious George in there. How did Curious George end up in a rocket? Wow. Here's to George, the curious little monkey! He's as curious as curious can be.

Object #50: Japan Cards

See, here's the short version of the story: I got the toychest in the break-up. So some of these things are probably cheating, in the sense that I think my dear friend and ex is going to want them, and since they used to be his, or at last half-his, am I really just giving a borrowed object back? It's kind of unclear.

It's such a relief that it doesn't really matter. :D

Object #49: Folding Binoculars

I don't remember ever seeing these before. Yet, it appears that I own them. Weird.

Object #48: Mr. Potato Head Wind-Up

Some things are really best in non-wind-up form.

Object #47: Feathered Yo-Yo

Yeah, you heard me, it's a feathered yo-yo. I think I find it offensive.

Object #46: Giga Pet

Remember these? Don't know where my actual Tamagotchi ended up.

Object #45: Spite and Malice Game

Has there ever been a better title for a game? I think the original co-owner of this is gonna want it back. . .

Object #44: Kazoo

We all got these as stocking stuffers last xmas. Made for an amusing morning. Kazoos are inherently amusing.

Object #43: Donald Duck Pez Dispenser

If he had Pez in him, I'd keep this, because I love Pez.

Object #42: White Sox Cards

I don't play card games AND I don't play baseball!

Object #41: Casino Cards

I sure have a lot of decks of cards for a person who doesn't know any card games.

Object #40: Church Jigsaw Puzzle


Object #39: Weird Jigsaw Puzzle

I especially don't do jigsaw puzzles that have a "gimmick". Why would stick-shaped pieces be more fun?

Object #38: Alice in Wonderland Jigsaw Puzzle

I really don't do jigsaw puzzles.

Object #37: Fractal Puzzle

I don't do jigsaw puzzles.