Thursday, July 12, 2007

Object #277: Theology and Inquiry Book

Object #276: Religions of Man Book

Object #275: Heaven and Hell Book

Object #274: Ancient Greek Philosophy Book

Object #273: Ideology Book

Letting go of a bunch more philosophy books. . .

Object #272: Witness Propaganda

Man's. Next!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Object #271: Kids Stuff Book

Object #270: Hamster Stuff

I decided not to get another hamster after mine died. It was a hard decision. I love pocket pets. But. . .decreased pet responsibilities are part of my downsizing/simplifying.

Object #269: Black And White Dress

Realized after the last post that practically nobody who doesn't already know me is reading this thing, so I'm probably not at risk of being considered frumpy.

Object #268: Red Dress

From the clothes I post on this blog, y'all must think that I'm some frumpy middle-aged lady, not a young Capitol Hill nerd-hipster hybrid. Oh well.

I may never wear a dress again, so time to let go of the few that remain.

Object #267: Wire Hanger

How did this get into my closet?


Object #266: Brown Velvet Bag

Very sweet, but too small.

Object #265: Gold Shoes

These aren't as ugly as they look in this picture. :D

Object #264: Blue Shirt

Also given to me, and also doesn't really fit. Plus it's pretty conservative for my taste. Nice linen, though.

Object #263: "White" Towel

Used to be white. Meh.

Object #262: Pink Towel

With the dog gone, I can get rid of a couple of crappy towels that were basically reserved for his baths.

Object #261: Black Velvet Skirt

This is sooo high-school goth, and I don't know why I've held on to it for as long as I have.

Object #260: Sketchers

These were given to me, and just don't fit. Bummer.

Object #259: Watercolor

This is no longer my taste at all, but a friend painted it, so I've hung on to it. I have another of her paintings that I like better, though, so I decided to let this one go.

Object #258: Dog Crate

So, the story behind the dog stuff is that I let go of something that I DO miss: my dog. He's living with my sister, so that he'll be around more people and another dog and have more time and attention and company. But, he leaves an empty place, for sure.

Literally, in the case of this post. I didn't get a pic of his crate before I sold it. But it was taking up a huge chunk of my tiny apartment. I'm glad to have reclaimed the space.

Object #257: Red Dog Coat

Object #256: Green Dog Coat

Object #255: Doggie Seatbelt

Object #254: Black Leash

Object #253: Planter

Object #252: Scaredy Cat Pin

Object #251: Kitty With Birdcage Pin

Object #250: Gold Kitty Pin

Object #249: Kitties With Sunglasses Pin

Object #248: Kitty With Tuna Pin